Best home remedies to get rids of ringworm

Ringworm is a fungal occurs most often in warm climate and it can passed from one person to another person by contact with infected person.If you use clothes or some other items of affected person, it can easily to pass to you. so avoid the use of infected person things. Ringworm will affect the skin and scalp. Remedies are listed below.

Neem Leaves
        Make a paste of neem leaves ,then apply this past on affected area, and leave it to dry on skin then wash with cool heals ringworm.

     If you have neem powder ,you can use that powder. Mix that powder in water and apply it on affected area.

Raw Green Papaya
    Take a small size papaya and make the paste of  that papaya.

     Add 1 tbsp of rose water into the 2 tbsp of paste and mix them well. Then apply it directly to the affected area, leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with cold water. Do this method twice a day to get results soon.

Aloe Vera Gel
             Cover the affected area with aloe vera gel for 20 minutes,then rinse off with cold water.

Turmeric with honey
   Tumeric -1 tbsp
   Honey - 1 tbsp
   warm water- 1 tbsp
             Mix them well until get fine paste,apply it onto affected area,then wash it.

         Use paste of garlic to treat ringworm.

         Olive oil also best remedy for ringworm.
