home remedies for acidity

If you suffer from acidity,follow the below remedies. It is easy to follow.

Drink 2 cup of milk daily to get immediate relief from acidity.

Take at least 1 glass of hot water daily.  Hot water control the acid production.

Eat Bananas,water melon,cucumber and bananas helps to keep the level of acid production in stomach.

Drink coconut water.it is good for acidity.

Drink Mint leaves juice  or have raw mint leave after had food.

Jaggery,curd provide immediate relief.

Carrot,beans,drumstick is good for acidity, and it can reduce the acidity production

.Ginger helps to improves digestion process. so it can cure acidity.

Cumin seed water is good for acidity.

Eat raw basil leaves to cure acidity.

Having an apple  is good for acidity.

Avoid the intake of junk food.

Avoid smoking and intake of alcohol.

Honey is good healer of acidity.


  1. very useful post. Get rid of acidity naturally and safely with the use of herbal supplement in terms of effectiveness.


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