Home remedies for tooth decay and cavities

Tooth decay and cavity is very painful,and if tooth decay is not treated properly it cause bad breath.so no need to go hospital to treat this.here are the simple and best remedies for toot decay and cavity.

        Cloves help to relieve pain as well prevent the cavity from spreading inside the mouth,because it has anti inflammatory,anti bacterial,analgesic properties.

           Mix 3 drops of cloves oil with 1/2 tbsp of sesame oil,pour some drop of oil on cotton ball, dab this cotton on affected area. Repeat every night before going to bed
       You can use raw cloves to treat tooth decay and cavities.

 It helps in clearing negative bacteria which are the cause of other dental issues.it can also control the bad breath.

   Salt is an effective remedy for this problems.it can soothe swelling as well pain while clearing the infection and stop bacterial growth inside the mouth,because salt has anti bacterial and anti septic properties.

               Mix 1 tbsp of salt in a glass of water and swish around  in your mouth for 3 minutes. while swishing,concentrate on the affected area.Repeat this twice a day until you feel better.

         Mix 1 tbsp rock salt in garlic paste,and apply it on the affected area. leave it for 8-10 minutes,then rinse off with lukewarm water,repeat it until you get results.

   Add turmeric powder into water,mix it well to get fine paste and apply it directly on affected area.


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