How to get rid of Acne Scars?

Here are 4 remedies to get rid of acne scars. Remedies would be very useful for people who is suffering from acne scars. and remedies are easy to prepare in house.

Ice Cube

      Take an aluminum foil and pack crushed ice in it so as to prevent in order to melt quickly and now put in a plastic bag and wrap it with towel. 

Apply it for 10 minutes to let the pores get shrink, and it helps to remove oil an dirt from skin.

Lemon Juice
              It is best remedy for beauty.if you use lemon juice on affected area regularly, you will get results within few days of use.

           Take lemon juice in bowl,and dip cotton in juice,then tap the cotton ball on the skin damaged by an acne scars,let it dry for 20 minutes, repeat the procedure for about 15 minutes.

Baking Soda
              It can be used as home remedies for acne scars. And main purpose of baking soda is exfoliating in the sun.

             Add water to baking soda to make thick paste. and apply it on affected area,and let it dry on the skin then rinse off with water.

Egg White
                Applying of egg white in face helps to get rid of acne scars. 
                Take two eggs and separate white from those eggs,and apply it as facial mask on your face ,keep it on the face overnight. then wash with cool water.


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