Natural home made remedies for peeling skin

Infection can also cause peeling skin,so amazing easy tips are given below to treat peeling skin.

Orange with honey
     Cut the orange into pieces then dip that pieces in honey and rub it on skin,let it for a while, then wash with cool water.

     Take a boiled potato and smash it properly,and add 1 tbsp of lemon juice and smashed potato into curd. Apply it on skin to treat peeling skin.curd can remove infection causing agent from skin.lemon can remove dead cell from skin.

  You can use either lemon juice  or curd alone to treat peeling skin

  Use honey to avoid the formation of peeling skin.

  Sandal powder
  Mix the sandal powder with water, and apply it on skin, leave it for dry ,then rinse off with cool water.

  Cut the tomato into slices,rub the slices on skin,it helps to treat peeling skin.
 Note: You can also use papaya,it remove dead cell from skin.

Olive oil 
     Helps to get best effect from peeling skin and it avoids any kinds of skin issues.
How to use?
       Take 2- 3 tbsp of olive and gently massage skin with olive oil  for a while.repeat this process twice a day.

Egg yolk paste
How to use?
       Rose water: 3 tbsp
      Lemon juice: 2 tbsp
      Olive oil: 1 tbsp
 Add the above ingredients in egg yolk, and mix it well to get fine paste. Apply this paste on skin and allow it to dry,then rinse off with this methods twice a week.

 Take a cucumber,cut into slices and rub it on skin,then wash with water


