Natural Remedies for Mouth Ulcer

Mouth ulcer is very painful  and it causes irritation while eating . Main causes of mouth ulcer are vitamin deficiency,stress ,intake of fast food regularly and not to having enough sleep.some times constipation problems may cause mouth to treat the mouth ulcer,ease home made tips are given below.

    You can use honey,ghee,coconut oil,gingelly oil to treat mouth ulcer.
    Choose any one from above the list  and apply it on affected area.

     Extract the juice from holy basil leaves and hold the juice in your mouth  for 5 minutes. And then spit.

    Fill your mouth with fenugreek leaves juice,and hold it for 5 minutes to alleviate pain.

    Turmeric helps to soothe the discomfort of mouth ulcer.Rinse your mouth with warm turmeric water or warm salt water

    Fill your mouth with ice cold water,hold it for 5 minutes.  It provide immediate relief not to heal the ulcer.

    Apply honey with turmeric paste directly to the ulcer,it helps to treat ulcer.

   Drink coconut water twice a day.

   Eat aloe vera gel on empty stomach daily to get results.

