Benefits of Custard Apple

Custard apple is good taste and as well as health benefits. benefits are listed below

It contain vitamin B6,vitamin c,magnesium,copper,fiber,

 It prevent  the asthma,respiratory problems.

It is good for healthy vision.

It protect the heart from heart disease.

It can strengthens the joints and reduce arthritis pain

It cure the digestion problem. 

Prevent constipation.

It prevent  the type 2 diabetes.

 Seeds and leaves also have health benefits.

It helps in increasing memory power.

It helps to reduce the hair fall  and remove the dandruff.
How to use it?
    Grind the seeds with mung gram,and add water to make paste. then apply it on hair .

Root of the custard apple tree control the miscarriage.

Extract the juice from leaves ,that control  the lose motion.

It control the blood pressure.
