How to get rid of dry rough hand?


        You can get dry rough hands due to frequent contact with chemical product like detergent,soap,etc. weather changes also another reason to get rough hands.

Coconut oil
           Just massage your hands with coconut oil for 5 minutes. Repeat this process whenever do you get free time. 

           You must do this process before going to bed.

          You can coconut oil with salt to treat dry rough hand.

      Apply the honey to the rough hands,it can soften your hands.

Aloe vera

         It protect the skin from dirt,dust,weather changes, apply the aloe vera gel on hands and leave it for 10 mintues then rinse off with warm water.

Lemon Juice 
          It is natural skin cleanser ,so apply the lemon juice on hands.

Banana peel
           Banana peel is very good for skin,so rub your hands with banana peel,that helps to get soft hands.

cinnamon powder
       cinnamon : 1 tbsp
       coconut oil: 2tbsp
       brown sugar: 1 tbsp

             Mix the above ingredients together and then apply this mixture on your hands and massage it gently for 5 to 10 minutes then rinse off with warm water.
