Home Remedies for Cataracts


       You should treat the cataracts properly ,otherwise it may lead to permanent vision loss. so you can treat the cataracts by simple remedies in early stage . Consult the professional for further treatment Remedies are given below

Eat spinach to treat cataracts.

     Helps to improve eye sight.
         Soak four almonds in water,leave it overnight. 

          Remove the skin and eat that soaked almonds.

     Take a cup of milk and add  1/4 tbsp of pepper into the milk.

     Mix the honey with milk then drink up.

Eat antioxidant rich food to treat cataracts.

Drink green tea that  helps to fight against cataracts.

Eat vitamin C rich food to reduce the risk of cataracts.

Include the garlic in your diet to protect the lens.

Drink the carrot juice twice a day to prevent cataracts.

Ginger with Onion 
            Take a equal amount of ginger juice and onion juice,mix that together .

          Add lemon juice into that mixture and add 1 tbsp of honey for a taste.

            Drink the mixture.

Eat sweet potatoes daily .

Drink milk with cardamom power to treat cataracts.

        Avoid the fast food and packed food.
