Home Remedies for loss of smell and taste


      You can treat loss of smell and loss of taste by learning simple home made remedies. remedies are listed below.

         Drink the garlic water to  clear nasal congestion and open up blocked nasal passage.
 How to use it?
            Boil the cloves with a cup of water for 5 minutes .
            Strain and drink the water

Caster Oil
         Put one drop of warm caster oil in each nostril. Do this method in morning and night until problem resolved.

Ginger Tea
             It can stimulate the sense of taste so drink  the ginger tea.

Mint leaves
         Drink mint tea to regain the loss of taste and loss of smell.

        It helps to restore the sense of smell and loss of taste. it can fight against bacteria infection so it can  keep nasal passage transparent.
            Add one tbsp of honey in lemon juice ,then drink it.

  Helps to improve the sense of taste and smell
         Rub the tongue by cinnamon power along with honey to improve sense of smell and taste.
