Home Remedies to get rid of scalp psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis

    Scalp psoriasis causes the pain ,itching and scaling. you can treat the scalp psoriasis by simple home made remedies and remedies are listed below,

           Apply the banana on scalp that helps to treat psoriasis.

Aloe vera 
          Extract the gel from aloe vera leaf and rub the scalp with gel for 10 minutes .It helps to relieve you from pain ,itchiness,scaling  and it can moisturize the skin.

Eucalyptus oil
           Apply this oil on scalp directly ,and it improves the blood circulation in the area and it moisturize the skin .antioxidant helps to cure faster.

Neem oil
           Apply the neem oil on affected area ,and neem oil contain anti oxidant and antibacterial properties,that helps to heal faster and suppress the growth of bacteria

Coconut oil
                Apply the coconut oil in scalp because  it helps in preventing the dryness and itching 

Drink carrot juice on empty stomach ,and it helps to cleanse the liver and kidney but it is not recommended for diabetic patient.
