Home Remedies to get rid of Stiff Neck?

It cause the pain as well as limit the neck movement so here are the remedies to get rid of stiff neck.

Warm water Massage
            Take a clean cotton cloth and soak the cloth in warm water ,and massage over the neck . And again soak the cloth in water then do massage and continue this process  for 5 minutes to 7 minutes . do this method many times in a day . this method helps to increase blood flow.

Sand Massage
               Take a cup of  sand and fry it pan for 5 minutes ,then shift warm sand to the cotton clothes . massage your neck with this cotton cloth for 5 minutes.it helps to provide immediate relief from pain.

Note: you can use salt instead of sand.

Cold compress
         Massage over neck with cold compress for 2 minutes ,and this method will constrict the blood flow.

Take warm shower to get rid of stiff neck.

Eucalyptus oil
       Massage the neck with eucalyptus oil to reduce the pain and stiffness.

Do the simple exercise to get relief from pain.
