Best Remedy for Nausea


             Causes of Nausea are digestion problem,overeating,food poisoning,etc. The following home remedies help to treat nausea , that remedies are below.

Lemon Juice

                   Take a glass of water and squeeze the half lemon juice into the water.

                  Add pinch of salt and sip it.

Cumin Seeds

cumin tea

                 Method 1      Drink Cumin seeds water 

                Method 2:      you can eat one tbsp of cumin powder 


               Ginger: Small Piece
               Mint leaves: 15 leaves
               Lemon juice: 1 tbsp
               Honey :1 tbsp
ginger tea

Crush the ginger and mint leaves to extract the juice.

Add lemon juice and honey into it.

Then drink it up.

You can also drink ginger tea.
