Health Benefits of aerva lanata


        Each part of this plant is very useful to treat health problems  and it has amazing healtlh benefits that are listed below

Flower of aerva lanata helps to treat all kidney related problems and it can treat  kidney stone.

It help to treat menstrual problem.

It helps in boosting immunity power.

It helps to diminishes scar which is caused by wounds.

It can reduce the lower cholesterol and prevent the heart attack.

It can heal eye irritation.

It can protect internal organ from infection.

How to use aerva lanata?
Method 1
Take bunch of leaves or flower of aerva lanata 
Pepper : 5
          Grind the leaves or flower with pepper .

          Mix this paste in a glass of butter milk.

          Drink the buttermilk before one hour to your breakfast.

Method 2
           Take bunch of leaves or flower of aerva lanata .

           Grind  the leaves or flower with jaggery .

           Mix the paste in milk then drink up in the  morning and evening.
