Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds Water

jeera water

          Cumin seeds  water have amazing health benefits that benefits are listed below.

It helps to eliminate the toxin from the body.

It helps in boosting immunity system.

Having cumin seeds water along with honey prevent the digestive problem.

It prevent the constipation.

It helps to maintain the blood pressure.

It helps in treating respiratory problems.

If you drink cumin water with honey that protect you from anemia.

It helps to treat premature graying of  hair.

It can treat cough and piles.

It prevent bad breath.

How to prepare cumin seeds water or tea?

Cumin seeds : 2 tbsp
Honey: 2 tbsp
Water : 1 cup

                  Boil the water for 5 minutes .

                 Add cumin seeds onto the boiling water.

                 Let it to boil for 10 minutes .

                Strain and drink with honey.
