Home Remedy for Anal Itching


             Anal Itching is a common problem that affect both men and women. Skin issues or other health issue may be the causes of anal itching. you can treat anal itching by simple home made remedies.

Apple Cider Vinegar
            Apple cider vinegar: 2 tbsp
            Water : 1 glass

                     Mix the unfiltered raw vinegar in a glass of water.
                     Drink it  twice a day daily.


Method 1:
            It can treat any kind of infection which cause anal itching ,so eat two or three cloves on empty stomach for a week

Method 2
           Boil the 2 crushed cloves in a glass of milk. drink it on empty stomach to cure anal itching.

Coconut Oil

Method 1
               you can use coconut  oil in cooking.

Method 2
    Rub the warm coconut oil on affected area that helps to provide relief from itching and burning sensation.


              Try to have yogurt in your diet.

              Apply the yogurt on itching area before going to bed.
             Rinse Off with warm water

Aloe Vera Gel
                 Apply the aloe vera gel on affected area that helps to lowers itching and burning sensation.

Eat Fiber rich food.


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