Home Remedy for Freckles


                   Excessive sun exposure cause the freckles, so whenever you go outside during day time ,cover your face. you can remove the freckles by simple remedy which are listed below.

Lemon juice 

  Apply the lemon juice over the freckles , and let it on for 10 minutes.

Wash off with water. Do this method many time to fade off your freckles as soon as possible.


            Soak a cotton ball in milk and apply it over freckles.

            It able to remove the freckles gradually.


             Dip  a cotton ball in honey ,and then apply it on freckles.

            It helps to get rid of freckles.


            Papaya can lighten the skin.

            Rub the freckles with papaya slices and leave it to dry.
            Rinse off with water.

                Banana can remove the dead cells ,and mint able to whiten the skin.


             Take a fresh banana and then smash it.

            Mix one tbsp of mint leave paste with smashed banana.

            Apply it over the the face and let it dry for a while.
            Rinse off with water.
