How to get rid of Ingrown hair?


          Ingrown cause redness,swelling and pain,and sometimes it leave scars on skin. you can treat this ingrown problems by simple home remedies that remedies are listed below.

Coconut Oil
                  Oil  : 1 tbsp
                  Sugar : 1 tbsp
coconut oil

                   Mix the above ingredients together.

                   Rub the affected area with the mixture for five to ten minutes.

                   Wash it off with water.

                    Apply the coconut oil on skin after this method.

Baking Soda
            Powder: 1 cup
             Water : 1 cup

baking soda

                 Mix the above items together. apply it on affected area by the use of cotton pad.

                Let it for 10 minutes then rinse off with water.

                Do this method two times in a day to get rid of ingrown hair.


           Mix 1 tbsp of salt in water and apply it on affected area. it helps in vanishing the ingrown hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar
apple cider vinegar

               Apply the vinegar over affected area with cotton pad.

               Let it for 10 minutes , then wash it off with warm water.

               Do this method twice a day.
