Home made remedies for Receding Gums


        Receding Gum make you feel awkward infront of others while speaking. here are the best home made remedies to treat receding gums.

Oil Pulling
             sesame oil: 1 tbsp

                     swish sesame oil through your mouth for 15 minutes, then rinse your mouth.

                       Do this method twice in a month.

Sea Salt

                 Mix the salt with warm water.

                  Swish a sip of warm water for few seconds.

                  Do this method two times a day after brushing.

Aloe Vera

              Massage your gums with aloe vera gel for a while , then rinse it off.

             You can also swish aloe vera juice two times a day.

Crane berry juice

                Drink cranberry juice to prevent the bacteria growth.
