Health benefits of Crossandra infundibuliformis(Fire cracker plant)


 Hai friends , here am going to share the health benefits of  Crossandra infundibuliformis(fire cracker) and in tamil we used to call it as can see this flower in 4 color that is orange,dark orange,green,yellow.
Flower benefits:
It helps in treating joint pain.
It able to heal wounds.
It can treat foot crack.
It can reduce the swelling in any parts
It can treat boils.
How to use the flower to obtain above health benfits?
Take a bunch of flower and make a paste of it.
Take a pan  and heat it.
 Add 3 tbsp of coconut oil in pan.
 Let it fry for 5 minutes. 
 Apply this paste on wounds,paining area
Firecracker leaves benefits 
fire cracker leaves helps to treat swelling in mouth
How to use the leaves?
Boil the leave in a glass of water along with cinnamon powder .
Filter the leaves then add palm sugar in that water.
do mouth wash using this water.
