Interesting facts about your pulse


             Hi friends,am going to tell about the interesting fact about your pulse.Pulse is equivalent to measuring the heart rate. you can measure the heart rate by directly listening  the heart beat ,traditionally using a stethoscope and count it for one minute. pulse rate should be vary based on the age. 

            To  3 months old baby =100-150 beats per minute

              To   6 month old baby = 90-120 beats per minute.

               To  1 year baby  =80-120 beats per minute.

              To   10 year children =70-130 beats per minute.

              To   More than 10 year,including adult and senior =60-100 beats per minute.

              To   Well trained athlete adult =40-60 beat per minute.

How to check your pulse rate?

            Gently place your two finger of other hand on your artery(wrist/neck)

            Count the beat for 30 seconds,then double the result to get number of beat per minute.

Note: Don't use thumb because it has own beat which may lead to get incorrect result.

Following factors may affect your pulse rate,that are


   Emotional Stress

   Physical stress




Purpose of checking your pulse 

 It helps to know that how well our heart is working

It helps in finding cause of symptoms such irregular heart beat or rapid heart beat,fainting,chest pain,shortness of breath.

It helps to know your fitness level.

It helps to check blood flow after injury.
