Medicinal Uses of Euphorbia hirta


Euphorbia hirta 

           Euphorbia hirta herb is native to india and it is called as aman pacharisi in tamil. you can find anywhere in india.

             Many people don't know the medicinal benefits of many plant which is around their house , so i am trying to tell you the benefits of herbal plant which is very helpful to treat your health problem in house itself. Benefits are listed below for your reference.

            It helps in treating stomach pain.

            It  helps in boosting immune system.

            It helps in treating fertility problem.( avoid the intake during pregnancy).

           It can reduce the inflammation.

             It can protect the skin from sun damage and it can also prevent wrinkles.

              It helps in eliminating intestinal worms.

             It able to cure respiratory problem.

How to use it?

           Take few leaves and ,then wash it properly.

           chew it for a while then swallow it.


     you can make juice from leaves and then drink it.

