Health benefits of Marsilea Quadrifolia


aalak Keerai
Aaara Keerai

           Hi friends ,Today am going to tell the benefits of Marsilea Quadrifolia  and in tamil we used to call  it as aaaraa keerai or aalak keerai or neerarai keerai.You can find this spinach around canal or bond or lake.  amazing health benefits of aarai keerai listed below.

Intake of 20 ml extract of this spinach for two days  helps to treat all nerves related problems.

It is extremely beneficial for diabetes

How to use it?

        Take 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds.

       Take this spinach extract in a bowl  and then let the seeds in that extract.

       Strain the seeds ,and then let it dry to make fine powder.

        Have this powder in morning and evening to control the blood sugar.

It helps to control the blood pressure

How to use it?

    Take 2 tbsp of cumin seeds

    Take this spinach extract in a bowl  and then let the seeds in that extract.

    Strain the seeds and then let it dry to make fine powder.

    Have this powder in morning and evening to control the blood  pressure.

It helps in treating heart related problems.

How to use it?

     Take  equal amount of  radius spinach and lotus .

     Take one piece of cardamom.

      Make a tea using the above ingredients which helps to treat heart problems.

     If you take this spinach in powder form daily ,which helps to boost memory power.

It able to reduce the body heat.

It able to treat urinary tract infection.
